Vitonnix Melatonin Oral Sublingual Spray

Vitonnix Melatonin Sublingual Spray is your modern-day lullaby, delivering tranquil sleep through sublingual absorption. Melatonin, a natural sleep regulator, takes center stage in this innovative spray. A simple under-the-tongue spritz swiftly infuses essential nutrients into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive journey. This is your ticket to harmonious sleep patterns and relief from those occasional restless nights. Make it an essential part of your nightly ritual.

Key Benefits:

  • Convenient Sublispray® Delivery: Swift absorption for a peaceful slumber.
  • Melatonin Magic: Regulates sleep-wake cycles for restful nights.
  • Ideal for Irregular Sleep Patterns: Your companion for jet lag or erratic sleep schedules.
  • Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans: A holistic choice for all.

Key Ingredient:

Melatonin: Your body’s internal clock conductor, signaling that it’s time to embrace the night.

How To Use

Shake Well: Shake the spray bottle before using it to ensure even formula distribution.
When to Consume?: Take sublingual sprays on an empty stomach for optimal absorption, but it’s also fine with meals.
Under the Tongue: Lift the tongue, reveal the sublingual gland beneath, and spray the recommended dosage under the tongue.
Hold & Swirl: Hold under the tongue for 30 seconds for best mucous membrane absorption; swirl for even distribution.
Avoid Rinsing: Don’t swallow right away. Avoid rinsing or drinking for 5-10 minutes to ensure full absorption.

Recommended Dosage: Spray once under your tongue, approximately 20-30 minutes before bedtime, whenever you seek the embrace of sleep. Follow your healthcare professional’s advice, and remember, sweet dreams are within reach without exceeding the recommended daily dosage.

Possible Side Effects: Melatonin is a gentle companion, but a few may experience minor side effects like dizziness, a fleeting headache, or mild stomach discomfort. Should you encounter anything unusual or severe, consult your healthcare provider.

Did you miss a Dose? No Worries!

There’s no need to double up if you forget a dose. Simply continue with your regular dosing schedule the following night.


  • Melatonin may interact with certain medications, so discuss its use with your healthcare provider if you’re on prescription drugs.
  • Store this tranquility in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep it out of the reach of children.
  • Pregnant or lactating? Consult your healthcare provider before introducing any new dietary supplement into your routine.

Note: This description is a beacon of knowledge but should not replace the guiding light of professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult a healthcare provider before introducing new dietary supplements or making significant changes to your health routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions. A night of restful sleep awaits you, Vitonnix Melatonin Sublispray® is your guide to dreamland.

Label Claim

Melatonin2 mg